Sunday, September 25, 2016

What Happens to Pharma’s Incredible Ride On The ‘Gravy Train’?

What Happens to Pharma’s Incredible Ride On The ‘Gravy Train’?

India continues to be one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical market of the world with its over 40 percent of the total pharmaceutical produce is exported around the world. Over half of the total exports constitute of formulations, and the balance comprises of bulk drugs. India has been consistently maintaining its supremacy in the formulation exports since my salad days.
According to Export Statistics (2014-15) published by the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil), United States (US) is the largest market for the India’s pharmaceutical exports with a share of 27 percent of the total, followed by the United Kingdom (UK), South Africa, Russia, Nigeria, Brazil and Germany.
A red flag raised: 
Up until recently, it has almost been like walking over a bed of roses in this front for Indian pharma exporters. However, it does not seem to be so now, and at least in the foreseeable future, for a number of reasons.
The Press Release of ‘CRISIL Research’ dated May 17, 2016 has also raised a red flag in this area. The report foresees growth in pharma formulations (in US dollar terms) declining sharply to 10-12 percent annually over the next 5 years, as compared with a growth of ~19% seen in the last decade.
This adverse impact will be felt mostly in the US – the largest export destination of India, followed by the UK.
I reckon, there are three basic reasons for this changing scenario, namely, pricing, quality and lesser number of branded small-molecule blockbuster drugs going off patent.
The ride on the ‘gravy train’:
Pharma companies across the world consider that doing business in the US market would provide them a lot of money without facing any head wind, fundamentally driven by the drug pricing freedom in the country, as compared to any other market of the world.
This unfettered freedom of charging a hefty price premium in the largest pharma market of the world, on an ongoing basis, has been a critical factor of attraction for many pharma players to do business in the US, coming from various corners of the globe, including India, just as honey attracts the bees, as it were.
Thus far, it has been an incredible ride on the ‘gravy train’, as it were, for most of them.
However, ongoing activities of a large number of drug companies, dominated by blatant self-serving interests, have now given rise to a strong general demand for the Government to initiate robust remedial measures, soon. The telltale signs of which indicate that this no holds barred pricing freedom may not be available to pharma, even in the US, any longer.
In this article, I shall focus mainly on this point, drawing both global and local examples, as this development has a strong potential to add more to the existing miseries of many Indian drug exporters, of course in tandem with many other large MNCs.
Some recent developments: 
The April 21, 2016 issue of ‘The Financial Times’ quoted Joe Jimenez, the Global Chief Executive (CEO) of Novartis, where he said that pharma companies can no longer count on the “hockey-stick” trajectories for new products in the US. This is primarily due to the aggressive control of the drug expenses by the insurers and other healthcare payers, besides lawmakers and the public at large, of this most lucrative pharma market of the world.
As Jimenez said in the report, yesterday’s business model that pharma companies have followed since long, has now changed, slowing the pace of growth of innovative patented products in the US.
This trend is now heading north, primarily driven by the consolidation among the US insurers and healthcare providers. Consequently, the payers are making effective use of their greater bargaining power over the drug companies, especially to avail new incentives for cost savings, as provided in President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, the article highlights.
To give a feel of it, I am quoting the example of a Novartis drug from the same ‘Financial Times’ article. It states, “Entresto, a treatment for heart failure, launched last year on the back of stellar clinical trial results, has so far sold more quickly in Europe than the US, marking a reversal of usual patterns in the pharma industry.”
A key differentiator in global ranking:
In this emerging scenario, all global companies will be adversely impacted for increasing pricing pressure in the US market.
This factor remaining the same for all the pharma players in the world, one of the key differentiating factors that would now play even more important role, is the richness of the advanced stage R&D pipeline of each innovator company.
For example, according to ‘Evaluate Pharma World Preview 2016, Outlook to 2022’ report, the overall R&D pipeline value of Roche is US$ 43.2 billion, far ahead of the same of Novartis’ US$ 24.1 billion and AstraZeneca’s at US$ 23.2 billion, followed by Eli Lilly, AbbVie, Pfizer, Sanofi, Celgene, Biogen and J&J and in that order. As a result, Roche is expected to overtake Novartis and Pfizer in the ranking by 2022, just when the global pharma industry would possibly cross as US$ 1Trillion mark.
Currently Novartis, though quite a small player in the Indian Pharmaceutical Market (IPM) holding the rank of 23 (AIOCD Pharmasofttech AWACS retail audit report, MAT August 2016), is number three in the global ranking, just ahead of Roche..............
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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Patient Services: No Longer an Optional Competitive Driver

The emerging global trend of patients’ demand for greater engagement in their treatment decision making process, could well be a game changer in the prescription demand generation process for pharma brands, even in India, and in not too distant future. This would assume a critical importance not just from the patients’ perspective, but also for the pharma companies and other health care players, for commercial success.
The fast penetration of Internet services is increasingly becoming a great enabler for the patients to get to know, learn and obtain more and more information about their fitness, overall health, various illnesses, disease symptoms, available diagnostic tests, including progress in various clinical trials, besides the drugs and their prices – and all these just with several clicks.
Thus, equipped with relevant information from various dependable and user-friendly sources from the cyberspace, patients have started asking probing questions about the risks and benefits of various types of treatment decisions and diagnostics tests, when recommended by the doctors. At times, especially in the Western world, such interactions even lead to changes, additions or deletions in the choice of therapy, including drugs, devices and diagnostics tests.
Even in a developing country, such as India, many of such types of patients would no longer want to play just a passive role in their disease treatment or health and fitness improvement processes. Although, they would continue to want the doctors to take a final decision on their treatment, but only after having meaningful interactions with them.
A 2016 Report: 
An April 2016 report of Accenture titled, “The Patient is IN: Pharma’s Growing Opportunity in Patient Services,” finds that the patients in the top global pharma markets want and expect consistent services coming from the pharma companies.
These patients are increasingly seeking more services from the pharma players before they are treated for a disease, regardless of the types of illnesses they have. However, it’s more important to note that patients’ responses during this survey have clearly indicated that while they highly value the services they use, a vast majority of them do not know about the services, which, as the pharma companies claim, are already available for them.
The Accenture study covered 203 executives at pharmaceutical companies, 100 in the United States and 103 in Europe (8 countries) from October to November 2015, covering seven therapeutic areas: heart, lung, brain, cancer, immune system, bones, and hormones/metabolism. Annual revenues of the surveyed companies ranged from nearly US$ 1 billion to more than US$ 25 billion.
Some important findings:
Following are some key findings of this report:
1. Patient services are delivering value with a significant increase in focus, and investment expected over the next two years, with 85 percent of companies are raising their investment in patient-centric capabilities over the next 18 months. However, the companies have only become slightly more patient-centric over the past two years. 9 of the following top 10 services are attracting above average business impact, which is an increase over hopping 73 percent that currently offer such patient services:
  • Disease education
  • Patient segmentation and insight
  • Patient experience management
  • Medication delivery/support
  • Patient risk assessment
  • Wellness information and health management
  • Nurse/ physician/patient access portal
  • Medication/ treatment reconciliation
  • Patient outreach, reminders, and scheduling
  • Adherence program management
2. Digital platforms play a dominant role in making patients aware of the services offered. Thus, companies are going big with investments in digital engagement technologies and supporting analytics, with 95 percent of companies planning to invest in patient engagement technologies over the next 18 months.
3. Much of this investment (but not all) is aligned to what patients value. 50 percent of the following top 10 fastest growing services are perceived by the patients delivering significant value:
  • Benefit coverage and access support
  • Health coach/counselor
  • Adherence program management
  • Co-payment assistance programs
  • Remote monitoring
  • Affordability and reimbursement support
  • Nursing support services
  • Reward/ incentive programs
  • Medication delivery/support
  • Patient outreach, reminders, and scheduling
Out of these, ‘medication delivery and support’, ‘remote patient monitoring’ and ‘adherence program management’ were highly valued by 85, 79 and 77 percentages of patients, respectively.
To give an example, pharma companies in the United States use digital as the primary channel for direct communications for patients. They use social media (51 percent) and web pages (49 percent) to market patient services. The use of TV is around 53 percent.
The challenge:
Let me re-emphasize here, as on date, just 19 percent of the surveyed patients are familiar with already available services meant for them. This had happened, despite respective pharma companies’ basic reliance and dependence on health care professionals for dissemination of their respective well-targeted services.
Thus, lack of awareness among patients about the services provided, throws a major ..........
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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Déjà Vu in Pharma Industry

Déjà Vu in Pharma Industry

It’s happening in the West, and is equally widespread in the Eastern part of the globe too, though in different ways and forms, as both the national and international media have been reporting, consistently. The phenomenon is all pervasive, and directed towards stalling almost all possible future laws and policies that a large section of the pharma industry sees as a potential apocalypse for their business models.
It has a wide reach and covers, for example, the policy-decision makers or possible policy-decision makers in the near future, other policy influencers, many hospitals, and the final interface with the patients – the prescription decision makers.
Although, it affects health care as a whole, in this article I shall focus just on the pharma industry.
Looking West:
While looking at the West, I would cite a recent example from the United States. It’s yet another déjà vu for the western pharma industry.
On August 26, 2016, ‘The Los Angeles Times’ in an article titled, “Drug companies spend millions to keep charging high prices” stated, “Of roughly US$ 250 million raised for and against 17 ballot measures coming before California voters in November, more than a quarter of that amount – about US$ 70 million – has been contributed by deep-pocketed drug companies to defeat the state’s Drug Price Relief Act.”
The Drug Price Relief Act of California, is aimed at making prescription drugs more affordable for people in Medi-Cal and other state programs by requiring that California pays no more than what’s paid for the same drugs by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States. It would, in other words, protect state taxpayers from being ripped off.
The report also quoted Michael Weinstein, President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation saying that industry donations to crush the Drug Price Relief Act “will top US$ 100 million by the election, I’m quite certain of it.” He further added, “They see this as the apocalypse for their business model.”
Looking East:
While citing a related example from the eastern part of the globe, I shall draw one from nearer home – India, as China has already been much discussed on this matter. This particular media report on a wide-spread pharma industry practice, though took place in a different form, as compared to the United States, belongs to the same genre, and captures yet another déjà vu involving the pharma players operating in the eastern world, similar to what’s happening in the west.
On August 30, 2016 a report published in ‘The Economic Times’ titled, “Pharma cos offer freebies to doctors, violate code: MP” quoted a serious allegation of a Rajya Sabha Member of the Parliament on this issue. The MP claims, he has evidence of four drug companies’ recently bribing doctors across India to push their products. These four companies include both large Indian and multinational pharma players, and two out of these four features, among the top five companies of the Indian Pharma Market (IPM).
The lawmaker further said, “I am waiting for the minister’s response on this issue. Nothing has come so far. We also have the names of the doctors who have taken bribes, which we will release eventually,”
Another September 06, 2016 report, published by the same business daily in India, categorically mentioned that TOI has documents to establish that one of these companies took hundreds of doctors from across India to places like Vancouver, Amsterdam, Oslo, Venice, New York, Boston, Brussels and Moscow. The documents reportedly include email exchanges between the company executives, city-wise lists of doctors with ‘legacy codes’, names of spouses, passport copies and visa copies, and show how the company has spent several millions of rupees in taking doctors and sometimes even their spouses, ostensibly to attend medical conferences.
Other NGOs have also reportedly submitted proof of the same to the Government for remedial measures in India, against such gross ongoing unethical practices in pharma marketing.
It is worth mentioning here that all these expenses are part of the marketing budget of a company and the sum total of which is built into the ‘retail price to the patients’ of the respective drugs, even in India.
Two broad processes for the same goal:
Thus it emerges, very broadly, there are two key processes followed by many in the pharma industry to achieve the same goal of increasing profit. These are as follows:
  • Marketing malpractices in various forms to influence prescription decision
  • Arbitrary increase of drug prices, for both branded and generic medicines
The justification:
Many global pharma majors still keep justifying, though the number of its believers is fast dwindling, that the high new drug prices have a linear relationship with the cost of new drug innovation. Even for argument’s sake one nods in favor, the critical question that needs to be answered is, if this is the basic or primary axle on which the wheel of innovation moves, won’t affordability and access to drugs for a significant number of the population be seriously compromised?
If not, why is this furor, across the world, is fast assuming a snowballing effect? Why are even the generic drug prices going up steeply even in the United States, where some of the largest Indian drug manufacturers are being questioned for the same by the competent authorities of the country?
I deliberated on a similar subject in my article titled, “The Next Frontier: Frugal Innovation For High-Tech Drugs”, published in this Blog on May 20, 2016.
Marketing malpractices:
Laws are fast catching up to book the offenders resorting to pharma marketing malpractices in most of the countries of the world, including China. This is vindicated by the fact that global pharma players are now paying billions of dollars a fine, in various countries, especially in the West.
Just as no criminal law can totally eliminate any crime, anywhere in the world, despite a heavy dent in pharma’s reputation related to this area, many companies still continue to indulge in such malpractices, blatantly, and even with some brazenness.
Unfortunately, in India, the inertia to catch the bull by the horn and lack of governance in this regard continues, making patients pay a heavy price. As the above media report indicates, both MNCs and the local players indulge into this deplorable activity almost without any inhibition. As many industry watchers believe, some companies have started hiring these services through professional third parties just to create a facade for taking the high moral ground, as and when required, both with the government and also other stakeholders.
Initiating a step in this direction, on December 12, 2014, the DoP announced details of the ‘Uniform Code of Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP)’, which became effective across the country from January 1, 2015. The communique also said that the code would be voluntarily adopted and complied with by the pharma industry in India for a period of six months from the effective date, and its compliance would be reviewed thereafter on the basis of the inputs received.
UCPMP, though not a panacea, was aimed at containing pharma marketing malpractices in India. However, as happened with any other voluntary pharma marketing code, be it of a global drug major or their trade associations, similar non-compliances were detected even by the DoP with voluntary UCPMP.  This gross disregard to the code, apparently prompted the DoP contemplating to make the UCPMP mandatory, with legal implications for non-compliance, which could possibly lead to revocation of marketing licenses.
In this context, it is worth recapitulating that the Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizer – Mr. Ananth Kumar, in his reply in the Indian Parliament, to a ‘Lok Sabha Starred Question No: 238’ on the UCPMP based on the inputs received, also had admitted:
“The Government had announced Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Practices (UCPMP) which was to be adopted voluntarily w.e.f. 1st January, 2015 for a period of six months and has last been extended up to 30.06.2016. After reviewing the same it was found that the voluntary code was not working as expected. The Government consulted the stakeholders, including NGO’s / Civil Society members and after examining their suggestions it is now looking into the viability of making the Code Statutory.”................
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