Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pharma Sales Communication: Would ‘Cafeteria Approach’ Be More Productive Today?

Pharma Sales Communication: Would ‘Cafeteria Approach’ be More Productive Today?

For sales communication, quality of access of pharma Medical Representatives (MRs) to many important and busy doctors has been steadily declining over the past several years, all over the world, and India is no exception.
This is mainly because the number of patients coming to these busy practitioners is fast increasing and the doctors are trying to see all these patients within the same limited time that was available to them in even earlier days. In tandem, their other obligations of various kinds, personal or otherwise, are also overcrowding the same highly squeezed time space.
In a situation like this, increasing number of MRs, which has almost doubled in the past decade, is now fiercely competing with each other to get a share of lesser and lesser available time of the busy doctors.
Added to this, a gross mismatch between the inflow of doctors with similar prescription potential and ever increasing inflow of patients, is making the situation even worse.
According to a study done by CMI Communication Media Research, about half of physicians restrict visits from MRs in one-way or another.
Thus the critical question that needs to be answered now, from purely pharma sales and marketing perspective is:
How to make sales communication effective to such busy medical practitioners in this extremely challenging scenario?
Pharma players are trying to respond:
This pressing issue has prompted many pharma companies, across the globe, to reevaluate their traditional sales communication models, which are becoming increasingly expensive as a result of diminishing commensurate returns from the MR calls.
Some drug companies have also introduced interesting digital interventions, though within the same traditional pharma sales communication process, to add speed and novelty, especially in sales administration and its execution processes.
Experimentations are visible even in India:
In India too, pharma companies are trying with several different approaches, in various combinations to make the prescription generation process through sales communication more productive.
Some pharma players also tried to push up the overall sales productivity through additional rural market coverage. In this regard, a 2012 report of ‘IMS Consulting’ states, acknowledging the seriousness around rural consumers, many drug companies in India are now expanding their sales operation to Tier IV cities and below. Quite a few of them even succeeded in their endeavor to create profitable business models around the hinterland and rural geographies.
These pharma players believe that extra-urban geographies require different approaches, though with the same traditional sales communication models. These approaches include, different product portfolio, distribution-mix, pricing/packaging and promotional tools, considering majority of the doctors are not as busy as their counterparts in the metro cities and large towns.
Initial strategic changes:
The above ‘IMS Consulting’ paper also highlights a few of the initial changes in the following lines:
  • Business Unit Structure (SBU): To bring more accountability, manage evolving business needs and use equity of organization for reaching to the middle of the accessible pyramid.
  • Therapy Focus Promotion: Generally seen where a portfolio is specialized, therapy focused, and scripts are driven through chosen few doctors; generally in chronic segment.
  • Channel Management: Mostly adopted in OTC /OTX business; mature products with wider portfolio width.
  • Hospital Task Force: Exclusively to manage hospital business.
  • Specialty Driven Sales Model: Applicable in scenarios where portfolio is built around 2 or 3 specialties.
  • Task Force: Generally adopted for niche products in urban areas, such as fertility clinics or for new launches where the focus is on select top rung physicians only.
  • Out-Sourced Sales Force: Generally used for expansion in extra-urban geographies or with companies for whom medico marketing is secondary (such as OTC or Consumer Healthcare companies).
Pharma MNCs took greater strides:
In addition, to increase sales revenue further, many innovator pharma MNCs engaged themselves in co-promotion of their patented products, besides out-licensing. A few of them pushed further ahead by adopting newer innovative promotional models like Patient Activation Teams, Therapy Specialists, or creating patient awareness through mass media.
Brand value augmentation offering a mix of tangibles and intangibles:
Realizing quickly that patients are increasingly becoming strong stakeholders in the business, some of the pharma MNCs also started engaging the customers by extending disease management services to patients administering their products.
This is indeed a clever way of augmenting the brand perception, through a mix of well-differentiated tangible and intangible product related value offerings.
These pharma MNCs engage even the patients by providing a basket of services at their home. Typical services include:
  • Counseling
  • Starter kits
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Medical insurance
  • Personalized visits
  • Exercising equipment
  • Emergency help
  • Physiotherapy sessions
  • Call centers for chronic disease management
Related doctors are reported about the status of the patients and the patients do not require paying anything extra for availing these services from the MNC pharma companies.
Despite all these, declining productivity of the traditional pharma sales communication models continue, predominantly from the extremely busy and very high value medical practitioners/experts/specialists, as mentioned above.
Communication preferences of busy doctors need to be factored-in:
From the above facts, it appears that pharma sales communication is usually tailored to focus on customer/market types and characteristics, rather than emerging unique customer preferences towards medium of sales communication and also differentiated message requirements for specific brands.
Should status quo be maintained?
Probably not, as many still believe that MR’s quality of access to doctors for productive sales communication would continue to remain a critical issue and become increasingly complex.
Even in this changing scenario, pharma companies, by and large, have kept the basic communication medium and traditional process of messaging unchanged, except some digital tweaking here or there. Some of these innovative means and user-friendly digital interfaces, at times, may attract quality attention to sales communication for top of mind brand recall by the doctors.
Is it enough? Again, probably not, as there is an urgent need to exploring various other medium and new ways of delivering strong and effective tailor-made brand messages, based on hard data of painstaking research.
e-marketing started taking roots, though in bits and pieces:
In 2013, facing this challenge of change, Pfizer reportedly started using digital drug representatives to market medicines, leaving the decision in doctors’ hands as to whether they would want to see them.
Prior to that, in 2011, a paper published in the WSJ titled, Drug Makers Replace Reps With Digital Tools” stated that pharmaceutical companies in the United States are downsizing their sales force with increasing usage of iPad applications and other digital tools for interacting with doctors.
Lot many other fascinating experimentations with pharma e-marketing have now commenced in several places of the world, many with considerable initial success.
However, most of these efforts seem to be swinging from one end of ‘face-to-face’ sales communication with doctors, to the other end of ‘cyber space driven’ need-based product value sharing with customers through digital toolkits.
Two key questions:
All these experimentations and developments with various pharma sales communication models would probably prompt the following two key questions:
  • Whether or not traditional sales approach would continue to be as relevant as opposed to digitally customized sales applications?
  • Whether or not MRs would continue to remain as relevant in all areas of pharma prescription generation process, in the years ahead?
Not an ‘Either/Or’ situation:
According to AffinityMonitor™ 2014 Research Report, pharmaceutical and biotech companies have today at their disposal more than a dozen of promotional channels to include in their strategy, including traditional methods, like detailing and speaker programs, and digital ones, including email, microsites and videos.
The report states, every doctor engages with these channels in his or her own unique manner. Some physicians want to interact with MRs; others restrict MR details and instead get information from their peers. One doctor might regularly use a mobile application for product information, often during a patient consultation. Conversely, another physician, who might work in the same practice, would rarely wish to surf the Web for information. And some doctors simply won’t engage with any sales communication no matter what the channels are.
Thus, ‘one size fits all’ type of sales communication, delivered even by the best of MRs, is not likely to be productive in the changing macro environment.
Many facets of communication preferences:
Today, there are many facets of doctors’ choices and preferences to brand value communication medium.
As AffinityMonitor 2014 Research Report states, based on the availability of time and interest, each doctor engages with these channels in his or her own unique manner. For example, some doctors may want to interact with the MRs, while some others may restrict MR’s product details. A few others may prefer getting information from their peers, instead
Since doctors’ engagement with pharma brands is critical for the drug companies, it has now become absolutely imperative for them to know individual affinities of the doctors in this regard, or what channels and processes each physician would typically prefer to get engaged with a brand, directly or indirectly.
Pharma companies should, therefore, gather this particular information doctor-wise, to customize both the medium and the message for effective brand value communication, accordingly.
A shift to ‘Cafeteria Approach’:
Taking all the above research inputs into consideration, it appears, when many busy physicians’ doors appear closed to traditional pharma sales communication, drug companies should have the keys to unlock them with ‘Cafeteria Approach’ of sales communication, purely based on customer research. This approach would offer the ‘difficult to meet doctors’ a variety of choices regarding both the medium and also the message, that would best suit their temperaments, needs, time and interests, as discussed above.
It is important to repeat, to ensure productive outcome of the ‘Cafeteria Approach’, customized sales communication strategy for each important and otherwise busy doctor should purely be based on contemporary customer research.
Sales force remains the top channel out of several others:
According to AffinityMonitor Research Study, though MR’s quality access to busy doctors has declined steadily over the past decade, the sales force still remains the top channel for physician engagement, closely followed by ‘Digital’ ones.
Overall, around 47 percent of all Health-Care Providers (HCPs) consider ‘face-to-face’ promotion as one of the top three channels, which includes about 80,000 physicians, who favor the sales force as their second or third-strongest channel.
Of the 514,000 HCPs examined in AffinityMonitor Research Study, 162,000 show the strong affinity for ‘face-to-face’ promotion, 118,000 for digital push and 65,000 for digital pull or personal remote channels.
Increasing just ‘Sales Force Effectiveness’ not enough:
To read more, please click on this link

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