Sunday, March 6, 2016

Healthcare: Unwrapping The Union Budget - 2016-17

Healthcare: Unwrapping The Union Budget - 2016-17

February 29, 2016 was the day of high expectations for many, especially to get to know the focus areas of public resource allocations of the incumbent governments in its third year of office. Healthcare sector too awaited eager to see something substantial in the resource allocation, that would make a fundamental difference in the public health systems and services in India.
The general expectation was high, as its main ruling party had promised to deliver a robust healthcare reform in its Election Manifesto 2014, when it will be voted to power. Some of those critical promises are as follows:
  • “India needs a holistic health care system that is universally accessible, affordable and effective and drastically reduces the out of pocket spending on health.
  • NRHM has failed to meet the objectives and will be radically reformed.
  • The Party accords high priority to health sector, which is crucial for securing the economy.
  • The overarching goal of healthcare would be to provide, ‘Health Assurance to all Indians and to reduce the out of pocket spending on health care’, with the help of state governments.
  • The current situation calls for radical reforms in the healthcare system with regards to national healthcare programs and delivery, medical education and training and financing of healthcare.”
  • The manifesto then went into the details of each reform areas, after stating, “the last healthcare policy dates back to 2002; India now needs a comprehensive healthcare policy to address the complex healthcare challenges, keeping in view the developments in the healthcare sector and the changing demographics. The party will initiate the New Health Policy.”
Over three years have passed since then, unfortunately even the new and comprehensive healthcare policy is not in place, just yet.
In that backdrop, we all witnessed in the budget presentation, a well-wrapped package for healthcare in India. The ‘attractive’ packaging label, listing each element of its broad content, was outwardly impressive and attracted almost instant eulogy from a number of industry commentators.
In this article, I shall first present before you, the healthcare measures announced by the Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely in his Budget speech (2016-17), and then would unwrap the package to discuss briefly the implications of each of these three key elements, and the possible impact.
Union Budgetary Proposals on healthcare:
While proposing his Union Budget Proposal (2016-17), the Minister mostly covered ‘healthcare’ in points 52, 53, 54 and 55 of his speech, as follows:
A. Improving access to healthcare: 
While proposing a key measure to improve access to healthcare, the Minister acknowledged before the Parliament:
  • Catastrophic health events are the single most important cause of unforeseen out-of-pocket expenditure which pushes lakhs of households below the poverty line every year. 
  • Serious illnesses of family members cause severe stress on the financial circumstances of poor and economically weak families, shaking the foundation of their economic security.
In the above backdrop, the Minister proposed that, in order to help such families, the Government will launch a new health protection scheme, which will provide health cover up to Rs. One lakh (Rs. 100,000) per family. For senior citizens, age 60 years and above, belonging to this category, an additional top-up package up to Rs. 30,000 will be provided...........
To read more, please click on this link

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