Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Disruptive Innovation to Fight and Cure Intractable Diseases

A Disruptive Innovation to Fight and Cure Intractable Diseases

Several important facets of health care often arrest general attention. These are also widely discussed, analyzed and argued vehemently – with each person or group trying to justify one’s own point of view. Among these, following 6 critical areas, broadly dominate the deliberations:
  • Incredible advancement in the medical science driving health care,
  • Infrastructure, facilitators and providers of health care,
  • ‘Wolves of health care in sheep’s clothing’, as described by many
  • Large populations facing inadequate availability and access to health care,
  • The need for Universal Health Care (UHC)
  • Public investments, policies and regulations governing health care.
In this article, I shall focus only on the first area – incredible recent advancement in the medical science driving health care, especially the very recent developments on a disruptive innovation called ‘Gene Therapy’.
Gene Therapy:
As some would know, one of the latest developments in the pharma world, relates to marketing approval in the United States and Europe of ‘Gene Therapy’ – a disruptive innovation in the medical science.
This technique of treatment using genes to manage, cure or prevent many intractable diseases are fast gaining ground globally, including India – at a slower pace, though. As I said, in America, the first gene therapy has already obtained the approval of the US-FDA in August 2017, closely followed by the second in October 2017, with the third waiting in the wings. In the European Union (EU), the first gene therapy was approved in 2012, but faced some commercial issues that I shall discuss later in this article.
During approval of the first gene therapy in the United States (US), the FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb reportedly said, this new frontier in medical innovation has the ability to reprogram a patient’s own cells to attack a deadly disease, such as cancer, creating an inflection point to treat, and even cure many intractable illnesses.
According to an October 10, 2017 publication of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, gene therapy may allow doctors to treat a disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s cells instead of using drugs or surgery. Extensive research is ongoing, adopting several approaches to this treatment, including:
  • Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the gene.
  • Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is functioning improperly.
  • Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease.
Thus, gene therapy is fast emerging as a promising treatment for a number of life-threatening diseases, including inherited disorders, some types of cancer, and certain tough to treat viral infections. That said, the technique being risky, is still under study to make it safer the patients. Currently, it is being tested only for diseases that have no other cures.
The first approval of gene therapy in the United States:
On August 30, 2017, US-FDA took a historic decision with its approval for the first ever gene therapy in America – meeting an unmet need in its true sense, and thus creating a major milestone in medical science. US-FDA approved this treatment for certain pediatric and young adult patients with a form of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) – resistant to standard treatment, or which often relapses. The overall remission rate within three months of this treatment was found 83 percent in clinical trials.
This path-breaking therapy (tisagenlecleucel) is named Kymriah, and is made by Novartis. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the treatment was developed by a group headed by Carl H. June  at the University of Pennsylvania and licensed to Novartis.
A customized treatment:
The US-FDA approval letter to Novartis says, “Kymriah is a genetically modified autologous T-cell immunotherapy. Each dose of Kymriah is a customized treatment created using an individual patient’s own T-cells, a type of white blood cell known as a lymphocyte. The patient’s T-cells are collected and sent to a manufacturing center where they are genetically modified to include a new gene that contains a specific protein (a chimeric antigen receptor or CAR) that directs the T-cells to target and kill leukemia cells that have a specific antigen (CD19) on the surface. Once the cells are modified, they are infused back into the patient to kill the cancer cells.”
Nevertheless, Kymriah can cause life-threatening side effects, such as dangerous drops in blood pressure. This has prompted US-FDA to caution that hospitals and doctors should be specially trained and certified to administer this therapy, and require stocking of drugs to control severe reactions, if and when required.
The price tag is jaw dropping:
As  reported by New York Times (NYT), Kymriah will be given to patients just once and must be made individually for each, costing US$ 475,000. Novartis reportedly has said, if a patient does not respond within the first month after treatment, there will be no charge. The company also said it would provide financial help to families who were uninsured or underinsured. This is indeed a commendable gesture.
The second USFDA approval for gene therapy:
Just about a week ago, on October 18, 2017, US-FDA approved Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) of Kite Pharma Inc. – a Gilead company. This is gene therapy is to treat adult patients with certain types of large B-cell lymphoma who have not responded to or who have relapsed after at least two other kinds of treatment.…Continue reading…

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