Sunday, April 26, 2020

Post Covid-19 Lockdown: Is Pharma Industry Ready?

Post Covid-19 Lockdown: Is Pharma Industry Ready?

It’s over a month now since national lockdown in India came into force to win the war against Covid-19. Many promises and apprehensions about whether or not Covid-19 will keep ravaging human life, continue surfacing. As it appears today, whatever best happens post May 03, 2020, the Coronavirus outbreak is going to change the way we live and the businesses used to operate, in many respects, till an effective vaccine comes, at the very least. This change also includes the health care, in general, and the pharmaceutical industry, in particular.
It is obvious now that Covid-19 will stalk the planet for a long time to come. On April 22, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) also reiterated: ‘Make no mistake, Coronavirus will be with us for a long time.’ This vindicates many apprehensions against an early promise of winning the Covid19 war decisively in 21-days or even by May 03, 2020, or whenever the national lockdown is phased-out in a calibrated manner. Further, W.H.O has also cautioned: “Most countries are still in the early stages of their epidemics. And some that were affected early in the pandemic are now starting to see a resurgence in cases.”
As on April 26, 2020, the recorded Coronavirus cases in India has sharply climbed to 26,496 and 825 deaths, with the Union Health Ministry saying on April 23, 2020: ‘Doubling rate of Covid-19 cases in country is now 10 days.’ Whereas, on the same day, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also said, ‘for now, it is very difficult to tell when a peak state of COVID-19 pandemic in the country will arrive.’
The life-changing disruptions that Covid19 has caused, and may continue to cause in the near future, has apparently made a significant impact, also on how the healthcare consumers think about the available disease treatment solutions, including buying medicines. Thus, in this article, I shall, focus on this area.
Why winning the Covid-19 war can’t be immediate: 
Covid-19 pandemic brought the drug industry under a sharp focus of the entire world, with an expectation to win the war against this deadly and invisible virus. This solution could be anything – an effective prevention, such as, with a vaccine, or a curing the infection with a drug, or even a mechanism that is able to make the virus less contagious. There are still no scientifically proven and approved drugs or vaccines for Covid-19. Although, many trial and error experiments are in progress, mainly based on anecdotes and gut-feeling, for the respiratory disease caused by Coronavirus.
The good news is, since January 2020, after scientists in China provided the virus’s genetic sequence, over 40 teams of global drug companies and the academia, are working on a vaccine and drugs for Covid-19. As of now, six Coronavirus vaccines are on clinical trial. Last Thursday, human safety trial of Oxford University developed Covid-19 vaccine, with the first two of 800 healthy volunteers, has commenced. Meanwhile, Serum Institute of India (SII) has tied-up with the Oxford University to manufacture the vaccine in India, if the trial succeeds.
Some bad news in this area also came by, such as, ‘remdesivir’ – the well-hyped drug, thought to be one of the best prospects for treating Covid-19, failed to have any effect during the first full trial. However, Gilead – the drug company developing this product has said, ‘the findings were inconclusive because the study was terminated early.’
The bottom-line is, although, first tests for more new vaccines may commence within a few months, the final regulatory approval of these will take much longer - at least 18 months, i.e. not before 2022, according to W.H.O. Meanwhile, some disruptive changes within current health care delivery systems, involving both behavior and transaction practices of key stakeholders, may prompt equally disruptive changes in the Indian health care delivery mechanisms. These changes are likely to have unforeseen impact on several pharma operations, critical for business excellence in the drug industry.
Commonly followed procedures for the Indian healthcare system:
The procedures that most health care consumers currently follow for healthcare in India, require patients to be physically present in most touchpoints of a disease treatment process. These include, doctors, chemist shops, hospitals, diagnostic clinics, among others. During the national lockdown period, redressal of non-Covid-19 related common health issues, has been a great challenge for many people, such as:
  • visiting a doctor
  • going to a hospital outdoor
  • procurement of medicines from retail shops for chronic conditions
  • visiting a diagnostic clinic even for follow-up – previously advised by a doctor…continue reading…

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid 19: Some Unanswered Questions in India

Covid 19: Some Unanswered Questions in India

Ending all speculations, the national lockdown 2.0 with all previous stringent provisions and more, expecting to bring the deadly microbe under a tight leash in India, commenced on April 15, 2020. This is expected to continue till May 03, 2020, keeping a window of opportunity open, for a case by case review, after April 20, which is today. This is now a known fact. But what is still not known to many are the answers to some critical question, such as, the following three, for example:
  • Will the standalone plan for strict compliance of prescribed social distancing norms for over 40 days and possibly much beyond, a comprehensive strategy to end the Covid 19 warfare in India?
  • As this game plan to save lives also involves livelihood of a large population, will it lead to hunger, involving many families?
  • When will the Covid19 nightmare end in India and how?
In this article, let me deal with these three questions, with illustrations.
Is social distancing’ alone a comprehensive strategy?
Experts believe that ‘social distancing’ is undoubtedly one of the key strategic components in the war against the invisible enemy Covid 19, especially to contain the spread of the virus. However, it’s not considered a standalone or a comprehensive strategy to win Covid19 warfare, for good, as it doesn’t help identify asymptomatic individuals – potential candidates for the continued spread of Coronavirus.
What scientific studies reveal?
Covid19 testing strategy in India is mainly focused on foreign returned and symptomatic individuals, alongside contact tracing. Interestingly, the study on the Covid19 outbreak in China, published by Nature Medicine on April 15, 2020, concluded – 44 per cent of those who tested positive, contracted the disease from an asymptomatic person. This happens, as the viral shedding, that can infect another individual, takes place, at least, 2-3 days before symptoms manifest.
Thus, along with containing the spread, it is equally important to trace the asymptomatic individuals at an early stage, then isolate and quarantine them at appropriate facilities, as necessary. Accordingly, many countries follow intensive testing guidelines from an early stage of disease spread. South Korea, for example, has been successful in this area, during the first wave. The same is being followed in the subsequent waves of outbreaks, till an effective antidote, like a vaccine is available to end the war. Hence, this is considered as a comprehensive strategy in the interim period. It was also well discussed and captured by the Indian media.
Lockdowns delay the peaks by about three months:
Experts indicated, ‘lockdowns merely delay the outbreak’s peak by about three months.’ They have also cautioned: ‘Asian countries risk new waves of Coronavirus infections when they lift lockdowns. The same could happen in the rest of the world.’ The world is now witnessing the second wave of outbreak in many countries.
Two seemingly contradictory messages surface:
Going by the ICMR data,…continue reading…

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Acid Test For Excellence in Crisis Leadership

Acid Test For Excellence in Crisis Leadership

On April 12, 2020 – in the morning of the day 19 of the national lockdown, India’s total number of Coronavirus positive cases reached 8,504 with 289 deaths. The country’s trajectory is reportedly  steeper than most Asian peers, such as Singapore, Japan, and Indonesia. Incidences of new infections and deaths are also rising faster. The report also highlighted a possible link between number of tests conducted and the number of confirmed cases across the States. The aggregated impact of Covid19 outbreak has created an unprecedented health, social and economic calamity, changing everybody’s life – now and beyond.
However, going by Prime Minister Modi’s announcement on March 24, 2020, the national lockdown to contain the pandemic should continue till April 14, 2020. But, the above scenario is creating a huge dilemma within almost all Coronavirus crisis management leadership in the States, with the final decision resting upon the Prime Minister of India. Meanwhile, on April 09, 2020, Odisha government decided to extend the lockdown until April 30, followed by Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Telengana on April 11, 2020. However, all will get to know India’s decision in this regard for the rest of India, as you read this piece today.
The top leaders of Asia, Europe and American continents are handling the grave situation differently, with a varying degree of success, so far. Everybody is watching different world leaders in action – each trying hard to gain control over the unprecedented crisis, making it an acid test for excellence in Crisis Leadership.
Three different types of needs for the country:
As I see, three specific types of needs of three specific classes of people in the social milieu, are emerging in India:
  • Only need is to save life from the disease, with not much problem in procuring other essential requirements – having enough wherewithal to pull through the critical period, better than most others.
  • Strong need exists to save life, but facing tough challenges in arranging for essential needs for daily living.
  • Need to save life, but feel desperate for the means of livelihood – to protect family and defendants from hunger, in a seemingly uncertain future.
In the current situation, while trying to contain the spread of pandemic effectively, the sufferings of especially, the second and third group, as stated above, also need to be addressed, ‘and this is much aided by a participatory democracy.’
An acid test for crisis leadership at the top:
The situation isn’t just a war against Covid19, but much beyond that. The Nobel Laureate …continue reading…

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Multifaceted Coronavirus Narrative Raises Multiple Questions

Multifaceted Coronavirus Narrative Raises Multiple Questions

Last night, amid the national lockdown, many people followed Prime Minister Modi’s video message, broadcasted on April 03 at 9 am for all, ‘to challenge the darkness of Coronavirus together – with a Diya, candle, torch or flashlight, at 9 pm for 9 minutes, from their respective balconies.’ That was the 12th day of 21-day lockdown, when the deadly microbe – Covid19 infected, tested and detected cases climbed to 3,577 in the country, with the death toll rising to 83. This is against 564 - the total number of confirmed cases in India when the lockdown commenced on March 24, 2020.
With all this, a mind-boggling narrative is developing at an accelerating pace. It’s not just about the rogue microbe – rampaging the world hunting for its prey. But also pans over multiple dimensions of its fallout, impacting virtually everything, for all. People of all sections of the society are participating, deliberating or debating on this issue, as the invisible camera of destiny rolls on. Unprecedented!
That’s the real world where, despite fear of an unknown future, most people prefer freedom of expression while playing a constructive role in containing the menace, collectively. We are witnessing a similar scenario – the world over. But, more in the democratic nations. Relatively enlightened citizens will always want to participate in this emerging chronicle, shaping the overall narrative and help sharpening the nations Covid19 policy further – instead of being passive onlookers.
Meanwhile, the objective of maintaining physical distancing during 21-day national lockdown period and beyond must be achieved, regardless of any public discord on its mechanics. This has to happen, primarily because of the TINA factor. Likewise, it’s also a prerequisite that the lockdown is handled efficiently, with meticulous advance planning, deft and dignified handling of any situation, by all and for all. That said, the good news is, newer scientific, evidence-based data are revealing more actionable pathways, in this multifaceted narrative.
A multifaceted narrative raises multiple questions:
As I wrote above, Covid19 narrative is multifaceted and not just one dimensional. It’s true beyond doubt: ‘If there is life, there is the world.’ But, that has to be a life with dignity, a life that help protect families and facilitates contributing to the nation, in different ways – enabling a scope of fulfillment of all.
In this article, I shall, explore some important facets of the evolving narrative on the Covid19 outbreak to drive home this point. In that process some very valid questions, as raised by many, also deserve to be addressed. Some of these include:
  • Covid19 is a war like situation where no questions are asked about the strategic details of a warfare, why the same is not being followed today? In a war some collateral damages are inevitable, why so much of noises now?
  • Why has Covid19 created a general panic with stigma attached to it?  
  • Panic is avoidable, but is the threat real. If so, why?
  • Why people violating national lockdown by migrating from the job location to respective hometowns – increasing the risk of the disease spread, must be brought to their senses mostly through the harsh measures?
  • In the absence of any vaccine or an effective curative drug, why all decisions of policymakers must be blindly accepted by all, during national lockdown and maybe beyond, as if there is ‘not to reason why, but to do or die?’
Let me now explore each of these questions.
A war like situation?
No doubt Covid19 is a war like situation, but with some striking dissimilarities between a conventional war and this war. A conventional war is fought by a well-trained and well-armed defense forces with already developed a gamut, against a known and visible enemy nation.
Whereas, the war against Covid19 is …continue reading…