Sunday, June 28, 2020

Pharma’s Dual Challenge – To Save Lives And Livelihood

Pharma’s Dual Challenge – To Save Lives And Livelihood

“Jaan hai to jahan hai” (If you have life, you have the world). Prime Minister Modi - with a skillful tweak, used the couplet of the 18th century poet - Mir Taqi Mir, while announcing the criticality of 21-day national lockdown from March 24, 2020 due to Covid-19 global pandemic. Many Indians lapped up this concept, considering it as a short haul sacrifice to save lives. Possibly, because the Prime Minister had said at that time, ‘Mahabharata battle won in 18 days, war against Coronavirus will take 21 days.’
As the Covid-19 went on a rampage despite the national lockdown, the Prime Minister, on April 11, 2020, changed it to ‘jaan bhi and jahan bhi’ (life also, the world also). This slogan seems to be more relevant in the emerging scenario.
After over a couple of months stringent national lockdown, the necessity and urgency of restarting active life started assuming a priority status for all concerned. But, the restarting process won’t be a piece of cake either – for anybody. As it would not only involve saving lives, but also – ensuring proper means of livelihood, making the industries gradually return to normal, and thereby revival of the country’s economy.
Dr. Ashish Jha, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, has summarized the nature of this challenge concisely, as quoted by the article – ‘Five key questions about India’s rising Covid-19 infections.’ This was published by BBC News on June 15, 2020. Acknowledging that India is in a very difficult situation, Dr. Jha said, “We are still early in the pandemic and we have a good year or so to go before we turn the corner. The question is what is the plan to get India through the next 12 to 16 months?”
Like many other industries, this is an arduous task to accomplish even for the drug industry, and for that matter – by any country. From the pharma industry perspective, I reckon, the commencement of the ‘restarting’ process, would pose a tough and dual challenge for many players – for different reasons. The current expectations require them going much beyond developing and delivering effective drugs and vaccine to win the Covid-19 war, and include the following, as well:
  • The population needs to develop either a vaccine-induced or a herd immunity, for a long-term protection against Covid-19. Pharma companies can facilitate the former one.
  • The entire population should have access to scientific evidence-based Coronavirus drugs and vaccine – at a price that most people can afford, to achieve the goal of vaccine-induced immunity.
In this article, I shall explore the ground issues in this area while confronting this dual challenge by the pharmaceutical industry, in general.
Developing herd immunity not an option for India: 
As it is known to many, even without an effective vaccine, it is possible for the population to develop a herd immunity. However, in this situation, a very large population will need to get infected, with its consequent impact on healthcare infrastructure and people’s lives. But, it will possibly be foolhardy to even think about this option, particularly for any country, such as India.
Dr. Ashish Jha in the above article on the BBC News, has also captured this challenge, aptly. He articulated, ‘India cannot wait for 60% of its people to get infected to achieve herd immunity and stop the virus. ‘That would mean millions of people dead. And that is not an acceptable outcome.’ Moreover, India’s Covid-19 infection curve has not started flattening – there is no consistent and steady decline, just yet. Thus, a vaccine-induced immunity seems to be the only prudent choice for the country.
Other reasons why an early intervention is necessary:
A national lockdown in India was certainly necessary to save lives. However, its prolonged duration of over 3 months, has caused a widespread confusion, anxiety, and fear among the public regarding the disease. Consequently, it has created several unintended social consequences, such as disease related stigma, discrimination, besides triggering several serious health hazards. The World Health Organization (W.H.O) also recognizes this problem.
Instances of stigma and discrimination against medical personnel – doctors and health care workers are common and have already been reported. Similarly, those working in aviation, especially on flights that were sent to bring the Indians back from COVID-19 affected foreign land, also met the same fate. Interestingly, such instances are not uncommon even within various housing societies for high income groups and communities. The stigma associated with COVID-19 is real and here to stay, at least for some time.
Serious health hazards like, panic, depression and anxiety have also gone viral as the nation was observing lockdown. Experts, reportedly, have opined ...continue reading...

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