Sunday, August 23, 2020

Covid-19 Vaccines – A Multifaceted Perspective

Covid-19 Vaccines – A Multifaceted Perspective 

Even after the destruction of millions of lives, livelihoods, social fabric and national economy of almost all countries – the mayhem of the Coronavirus pandemic continues, unabated.

Echoing what many other global experts, the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director has also reiterated ‘that the only “ultimate solution” for the Coronavirus would be a vaccine.’ He added, the social distancing measures and travel restrictions could help curb the outbreak but can’t last forever. Moreover, the virus might come back. Thus, only a vaccine could help in the long run.

That a speedy progress in achieving this goal, is the most critical remits for the global medical scientists and technologists, attract not many contrarian viewpoints. Nevertheless, some red flags are also visible in this critical area. Thus, to give a multifaceted perspective to the ‘Covid-19 vaccine story’, let me dwell on some of these contentious areas.

Vaccines may not be ‘silver bullets’ for all:

According to the news release of the World Health Organization (W.H.O) on July 15, 2020, 75 countries have submitted expressions of interest to protect their populations and those of other nations through joining the COVAX Facility. This is a mechanism designed to guarantee rapid, fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. These countries would finance the vaccines from their own public finance budgets and partner with up to 90 lower-income countries.

It further added, interest from governments representing more than 60 percent of the world’s population offers ‘tremendous vote of confidence’ in the effort to ensure truly global access to COVID-19 vaccines, once developed.

Expressing its optimism and also a concern at the same time, the W.H.O on August 03, 2020, informed – out of a number of vaccines, which are now in phase-3 clinical trials, it hopes to have a number of effective vaccines that can help prevent people from infection. Interestingly, in the same breath, it cautioned, “there’s no silver bullet at the moment and there might never be.” The question, that may arise, if a ‘silver bullet’ in the form of Covid-19 vaccines is not available and a vaccine doesn’t work for all, how complicated would then the situation be? Can one expect Covid-19 to end, at all?

When can one expect Covid-19 to end, if at all?

Closely following the above message – “there’s no silver bullet at the moment and there might never be,” another message, a bit intriguing, though, came from the W.H.O on August 22, 2020. This time the W.H.O said, “it hopes the planet will be rid of the Coronavirus pandemic in less than two years — faster than it took for the Spanish flu.” Elaborating the point, the W.H.O Chief underscored, by “utilizing the available tools to the maximum and hoping that we can have additional tools like vaccines, I think we can finish it in a shorter time than the 1918 flu.”

The impact of anti-vaccine movement to end Coronavirus pandemic: 

The question may sound crazy to many people, especially in India, but a similar concern has been expressed by many experts. The article – ‘Anti-vaccine movement could undermine efforts to end Coronavirus pandemic, researchers warn,’ published by the Nature on May 13, 2020, also raised this issue. The researchers of the study at the George Washington University, wrote - ‘studies of social networks show that opposition to vaccines is small but far-reaching — and growing.’

That anti-vaccine sentiments continue growing online, as medical scientists are flooring the gas pedal, has also been reported by ‘India Today’ on May 28, 2020 in an article titled, ‘Experimental Covid shots inject anti-vaccine sentiments.’ This belief was ‘prompted by theories that fast-tracked programs are profit-driven, loaded with health risks and will eventually lead to enforced immunization,’ it underscored. Notably, the W.H.O also has flagged the growing anti-vaccine feeling.

W.H.O flagged the growing anti-vaccine feeling:

The issue of growing anti-vaccine feeling has also been flagged by the W.H.O. It noted several reasons for fear of or opposition to vaccination, such as: ....continue reading by clicking on

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